Kensington Community Fresh Food Market



Seeking volunteers for a series of local fresh food markets in Kensington!

There are 8 positions available in total: 4 positions for the set up/pack down of the market and 4 positions helping with the market stalls.*

About The Kensington Community Fresh Food Markets:

The Kensington Community Fresh Food Market aims to relocalise food production, creating a space for local residents, urban farmers and community gardeners to bring their locally grown fresh food produce and offer it for sharing, sale, or by donation. The market builds on the existing food initiatives in Kensington to create greater food security, sovereignty and resilience in our local community.

This initiative is about bringing our community together to share the abundance and care for each other and the environment by creating an alternative to the existing food system which is creating environmental damage, inequality and significant carbon emissions.


Volunteer set up/pack down position requirements:

Setting up and packing down of chairs, tables and umbrellas at the market location. If you have a car to use for transporting tables and umbrellas from Kensington Neighbourhood House to Skinny Park that would a bonus.

Market stall operation volunteer position requirements:

- laying out, selling and weighing produce

- recording the weight and sales of produce

- reconciling produce at end of day

- collecting anecdotal responses 

Time commitment:

Volunteer set up/pack down: Set up begins at 8am and pack down at 12pm

Market stall operation: Volunteers will be required from 9am-1pm

The market will be runs on the first Saturday of every month. Dates to the end of 2024 are as follows:

-1 June

- 6 July

- 3 August

-7 September

-5 October

-2 November

- 7 December

*Please note if you are interested in taking on both of these positions, let us know when you are enquiring.


Skinny Park, Bellair Street:

224 Bellair Street, Kensington

Kensington Neighborhood House:

89 McCracken Street, Kensington